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How To Prepare UPSC Civil Services Mains Paper II GS 1UPDATED on 2. December 2. 01. 6UPSC has brought changes to the Civil Services Mains examination in both the pattern and the syllabus. We know that now there are 4 General Studies Papers apart from one Essay and Optional paper each. This article discusses preparation strategy for General Studies 1 Before you start reading further, please remember the following important instruction given by the UPSC The questions are likely to test the candidates basic understanding of all relevant issues, and ability to analyze, and take a view on conflicting socio economic goals, objectives and demands. The candidates must give relevant, meaningful and succinct answers. This sentence is the guiding light for your preparation. Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' title='Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' />You dont have to master the topics, all you need is BASIC UNDERSTANDING and the ability to analyze. Basic understanding comes from reading and re reading. Ability to analyze what you have understood from reading comes from WRITING PRACTICE Secure 2. STRATEGYGS 1 broadly covers  Indian Heritage and Culture, History and Geography of the World and Society. Under this heading  total 1. Aedkt-gL._SX330_BO1204203200_1.jpg' alt='Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' title='Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' />Online Ayurveda Dictionary na www. Background Continuous infusions of sedative drugs in the intensive care unit may prolong the duration of mechanical ventilation, prolong the length of stay in the. PMP Exam Reviews, PMIACP CAPM and related Reviews Testimonials and other Project Management review. Sirwill u plz help me by sujjesting refernce books for gs4 and gs5. Two important things fundamental to your exam preparation Get familiar with all the topics and sub topics by writing them many times they should be  strongly etched in your memory. Keep a copy of the syllabus always with you no matter where you are. Now, how to deal with GS 1International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications IJERA is an open access online peer reviewed international journal that publishes research. Assuming you are now familiar with the syllabus of GS 1, we will discuss a topic by topic what to read, from where to read and what not to read for these topics. TOPIC 1. Indian Culture will cover the salient aspects of Art forms, Literature and Architecture from ancient to modern times. In this topic, the sub topics are  Art forms, Literature, Architecture from ancient to modern times. All you need to study for Art and Culture part is just TWO sources NCERT Books. NIOS Books. Among NCERT books, one indispensable source to read first and foremost before proceeding to any source is Class XI NCERT  An Introduction to Indian Art. Once done with this book, then read following NCERT books. Free Relaxation Audio Mp3. Here, in the following books, along with reading history of India, look for art and culture related topics and make a note of them. You will not find separate art and culture chapters in  these books, you have to mine them. A rebuttal to Dr. B. M. Hegdes Article in The Hindu Modern Medicine Has Given Illness Care a Miss, dated February 18th, 2012. Argues on the basis of. Type or paste a DOI name into the text box. Click Go. Your browser will take you to a Web page URL associated with that DOI name. Send questions or comments to doi. NCERT Class VI History Our Past. NCERT Class VII Our Past INCERT  Class VIII Our Past II and IIINCERT Class XII Themes In Indian History INCERT Class XII Themes in Indian History IINCERT Class XII Themes In Indian History IIIYou have to read only a few chapters from each book that are related to Sub Topics. Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' title='Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' />For ex, you have to read only Chapters 2 and 3 from Class XII Themes In Indian History II book. Along with the above NCERT books, you should start reading NIOS Book on art and culture You can download them here  NIOS Art and Culture. In NIOS chapters, you find good information all in one place. For example, in 2. Mains GS 1 there was a question on Krishnadevarayas contribution to art Krishnadeva Raya, the king of Vijayanagar, was not only an accomplished scholar himself but was a also a great patron of learning and literature. Discuss 2. 00 Words, GS 1, CSM 2. For the above question, complete answer is given in NIOS chapter on Language and Literature Click Here, Page no. Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' title='Amit Ashish Surgery Pdf Books' />Apart from these you should refer following sources for more information CCRT Website. Graphic Book On Indian Art and Culture Free Download. TOPIC 2. Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present significant events, personalities, issues. Note that this topic wants you to cover important events from 1. Present. Its not just related to freedom struggle. You should focus on all important events and contributions of personalities that are significant and have had important impact on nation till now. For this part of the syllabus, just rely on above mentioned NCERT books and current affairs. You dont have to read any separate book. Looking at the kind of questions they are asking fro this part of the syllabus, your focus should be on understanding basic events from NCERT and keeping an eye on relevant current events. For example, Netaji Bose files were declassified in August 2. Gandhiji and Nehru. Hence, there was a question on this issue in Mains 2. Highlight the differences in the approach of Subhash Chandra Bose and Mahatma Gandhi in the struggle for freedom. Words,GS 1, CSM 2. TOPIC 3The Freedom Struggle  its various stages and important contributors contributions from different parts of the country. Because this topic demands specific knowledge of Freedom Struggle and its various facets, you must read Bipan Chandras Struggle For Indias Independence. You should revise this book at least 2 3 times. Some prefer Spectrums modern history book. But for Mains preparation, Bipan Chandras book is very important. If time permits, you can also read selectively from Plassey to Partition. This book is more analytical and has important insights on all important events and personalities related to this topic. TOPIC 4. Post independence consolidation and reorganization within the country. For this you need to study Chapter 6 to 1. India Since Independence Bipan Chandra. Chapters 8 to 1. 4 from India After Gandhi The History Of The Worlds Largest Democracy above mentioned chapters cover completely this part of the syllabusTOPIC 5History of the world will include events from 1. Except for Industrial revolution, Mastering Modern World History by Norman Lowe Buy From Amazon India covers all topics of this part of the syllabus it is a very good book. You should also read world history from NCERT books of class IX, X and XI only modern world history part. Above book is not available anywhere these days. Best alternative is a book by Arjun Dev  History of the World from the Late Nineteenth to the Early Twenty First Century. You can go through this book  Old NCERT World History Class X  if you are fond of old NCERT books. TOPIC 6Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India. About salient features of Indian Society dont look anywhere else Just read this NCERT Indian Society Class 1. Complete book without watermarksTwo indispensable books to cover this topic TOPIC 7Role of women and womens organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies. Other sub topics are general in nature and can be found in Magazines and Newspapers. If one is thorough with current events questions on these sub topics can be answered very well by consolidating their knowledge. This topic is mainly current affairs based. Keep tab on all important events that take place related to this topic. You should also read about role of women from ancient to modern times including freedom struggle, art and culture etc. UPSC will test your ability to integrate different concepts and come up with a coherent answer. So, try to interlink different parts of syllabus and prepare notes accordingly. TOPIC 8Effects of Globalization on Indian societyThis is also general in nature. If you have a basic understanding of Indian Society and Globalization, their mutual relation can be elucidated with ease. Here is a good article from a Marxist politician about the topic. Manu Smriti and Shudras. If Agniveer were to list the top two nuisances in India, it would undoubtedly be birth based caste system and gender discrimination. Yes, India is plagued by a plethora of challenges today corruption, fundamentalism, terrorism, conversions, moral degradation, lack of education, health issues, sanitation problems and so many more. But despite all these problems and threats, the top two by a wide margin would remain casteism and gender discrimination. This is because all the rest of the problems can be attributed in one way or the other to these two core disgraces of our otherwise glorious culture. And till these two problems that remain the primary causes of almost all our miseries of past and present are eradicated from root, the hope of a glorious future would remain nothing more than hallucinations of an insane. In other words, a prosperous and powerful society cannot co exist with casteism and gender discrimination. Please note that casteism and gender discrimination are not specifically Hindu issues. On contrary, they are more of cultural issues. Gender discrimination has been a global phenomenon for ages. And casteism seems like a South Asian nuisance affecting all societies and religions that breed here. However Hinduism being the oldest culture and fountainhead of all other religions has to accept the blame of polluting the source. Because these two nuisances were tolerated, the society was weakened and deluged with so many different cults and religions leading to further weaknesses. All leading to the present mess and all the messes of past that we know from history. Harris County Texas Pet License'>Harris County Texas Pet License. It is surprising to find even today, many a defenders of these two nuisances from otherwise intellectual and educated backgrounds. The virus of birth based superiority is so strong that it renders even the most rational insane. Many of these virus affected patients are considered among scholars and leaders of contemporary Hinduism They would innocently point to ancient scriptures that justify these nuisances and then attempt to prove the science behind consuming this trash. The most popular scripture that is used as scapegoat is the Manu Smriti the oldest text on social systems. Some also attempt to allege casteism in Vedas as well. However we have already debunked these fake claims and established the Vedic view in the series on Vedas and Caste System. Refer Vedas totally reject Caste System. In this series of articles, we shall evaluate the Manu Smriti. Now, Manu Smriti is among the most controversial texts of Vedic culture. It is not only known as the first codified text on ethics and laws in the world, but also as a text promoting blatant casteism. The entire Dalit movement of modern times is based on foundations of protesting against Manuvaad. While Manu is hero for casteists, Dalit leaders typecast Manu as a great villain. Copies of Manu Smriti are burnt en masse to showcase love for backward sections of society by likes of Agnivesh, Mayawati and many more. Films have been made depicting Manu as a horned devil in guise of scholar forcing brutal atrocity on lower caste people to fulfill his perverted fetishes. Manu Smriti has become the favorite pasture for scavengers keen on bashing Hinduism and Vedas. This becomes among the most potent tools for promoting conversion away from Hinduism. And interestingly most of these Manu bashers perhaps never ever gave Manu Smriti a serious readingOn other side, for sadist forces within Hinduism who want to fool themselves and others on basis of their so called birth superiority, Manu Smriti is a religious text that gives them the divine authority to deny fair treatment to one section of population merely because they were not born special. Universal Shield 4.2 With Crack. They would quote from fake adulterated verses of Manu Smriti that smell of casteism and gender discrimination, conveniently ignoring plethora of shlokas that speak exactly the opposite. The tussle between these two forces has not only shaped the current cheap politics of Bharat but has been a major factor leading to foreign invasions of last 1. This wretched caste system was the prime reason why we could not defend our nation against barbaric invaders. This illogical caste system was the prime reason why India had to be partitioned in 1. And this disgusting caste system is the prime reason why despite so much of talent and intellectual treasure, India is still a sluggish meek spineless snail in the race towards prosperity and power. Thus it becomes utmost necessary to review Manu Smriti and check what it actually stands for. There are 3 major allegations on Manu Smriti Three allegations on Manu Smriti. Manu founded the caste system based on birth. Manu legalized harsh punishments for Shudras and special provisions for upper castes and especially Brahmins. Manu was anti women and condemned them. He accorded inferior rights to women. Let us now review these allegations using evidences from Manu Smriti itself. For complete content of this post, you can buy copy of following Agniveer book. Simply click and order your copy. Happy reading. Facebook Comments. Liked the post Make a contribution and help bring change. Disclaimer By Quran and Hadiths, we do not refer to their original meanings. We only refer to interpretations made by fanatics and terrorists to justify their kill and rape. We highly respect the original Quran, Hadiths and their creators. We also respect Muslim heroes like APJ Abdul Kalam who are our role models. Our fight is against those who misinterpret them and malign Islam by associating it with terrorism. For example, Mughals, ISIS, Al Qaeda, and every other person who justifies sex slavery, rape of daughter in law and other heinous acts. For full disclaimer, visit Please read this in Top and Footer Menu.

This entry was posted on 12/14/2017.